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Our Insignia

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Know us

“See the world with closed eyes. The lights, the touch of triumph. The clamour of success. The taste of winning. The scent of opulence.” Don’t we feel like the material world has pervaded our children’s senses. How true? Then where can our children search for truth in this mad showbiz called life. How can we help them to contemplate on the purpose, goal and mission of this precious blessing called human life. Possibly we can’t even remember, which is why Sunflower Vedic School shall gently remind your child to close their eyes to the chaotic tempting, vibrant unstable outside and rediscover the immense world of stability within us. Because success is journey and not a destination.

The 5 petals in the logo represents

5 subtle elemental forces of nature (pancha mahabhutas) responsible for survival.

5 sensory organs (pancha gnanendriyas) necessary requisite for all our actions and the 5 functionary organs (pancha karmendriyas) important for our progress.

5 vital energy forces (pancha pranas) required for the physiological function of the body

5 sheaths (pancha koshas) which envelope the soul within the body.

5 important ingredients blended together make the Panchamrit. Pañcāmṛta is a Sanskrit compound of two words: Pañca, ‘five’. Amṛta, lit. ‘immortal’, “nectar of immortality, ambrosia, beverage of the gods”. Each symbolizes one virtue which serves as a guide for growth of the student. So it is only when purity of thought, word and deed, prosperity in studies and behavior, sweet speech, success and happiness together are imbibed in the student, he/she is ready to offer his/her best for personality development as well as for the advancement of the family and society.

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The 7 Stars

Stars are twinkling points of light in the sky, often used as a mark of merit or excellence. The students should be like the twinkling stars ever enraptured with intelligence and sound knowledge. 7 is a symbolic representation of various divine concepts and philosophies of Sanatana Dharma. It is well known that men of different times and nations have associated with particular numbers of a peculiar significance and value. It is also well known that, of all numbers, there is no one which has excercised in this way a wider influence, no one which has commanded in a higher degree the esteem and reverence of mankind, than the number Seven. The mystic prominence of this sacred number is as ancient as it is VENERABLE. It belongs to the simple wisdom of a ageless age. The 7 stars in the logo represent the 7 sages (sapta rishis), 7 lokas, 7 subtle energies (Chakras), 7 planets, 7 seas, 7 ragas, 7 days, 7 colors, 7 rituals, 7 gates, 7 steps, 7 ages of man, 7 continents and 7 wonders of the world.

The 18 Leaves

Leaves represent Mother Nature, who is giving, nurturing, transform, determine, patience, strength andleaves copy wisdom. The 18 leaves in the logo represent the vital life energy; the average number of man’s breathing per minute is 18. The significance of 18 can be traced back to the Vedic age. The Puranas are 18 in number. There are 18 Dharma Sastras. The epic Mahabharata has 18 Parvas, the Bhagawad Geetha, the Song Celestial has 18 chapters. The great historic war at Kurukshetra was fought for 18 days giving us the message – triumph of good over evil. Acceptance, appreciation, caring, cheerfulness, cleanliness, creativity, dignity, enthusiasm, discipline, focus, fortitude, honesty, hope, humbleness, idealism, kindness, responsibility and above all Love – these are the 18 qualities which comprise an ideal student to ascend for achieving success and glory.

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Sunflower Vedic School

Over a 2 decades of excellence in academics, scholastic and non scholastic, we open the doors of the temple of learning in education.